I'm one of those people who seems to evoke change in others. That trait combined with a wealth of education, training, work and life experiences, makes me uniquely qualified to work with people who want to make significant changes in the world. This might be highly visible individuals and organizations ... who in turn want to evoke change in those who are influenced by them. Or, perhaps you're passionate about starting with yourself.
I'm a firm believer that the smallest of changes can make the biggest impacts. We never know how we're going to impact ourselves, others, the world, etc.
I love creating; it comes naturally to me. I'm passionate about living and enjoying a self-aware, conscious life and inspiring others to do so, in both their professional and personal lives as well as creating programs to improve the lives of many. I'm an astute bridge-builder, excellent program creator and developer, sounding board (and consultant) for people from all walks of life ... from executives at top firms to celebrities to those in government to individuals who want to bring their vision for themselves, their creative endeavors, and/or business to life.